After completion of secondary 2 year end examinations the students and their parents will have to choose the subjects for the next academic year. Some parents will prefer science and mathematics whereas some will like their children to take up accounting or other humanity subjects as additional subjects. Choosing the subject should purely depend on the child’s interest because each and every child’s strength and capacity will differ from one student to another. Other than academic studies, parents should also involve their children in other academic activities. Principles of accounts o level is a good choice as it is a great subject.
Importance of studying principles of accounts:
Even though a principle of accounts is taught at school level its knowledge is applied at different stages of life. Students those who do not have knowledge about principles of accounts o level are finding it difficult during their University studies or Polytechnics. As they are not aware of the basics they find it hard to understand it during their territory level. Even if the student is not undergoing a course related to business, he or she will be able to track their personal finance in an effective way in future.
What the syllabus covers:
Basic principles of accounting, subject knowledge development and understanding, evaluation and analysis are the main syllabus covered under principle of accounts. Here the students will learn about cash book, double-entry bookkeeping, single-entry bookkeeping, general journal and ledger and trial balance. Students will also learn about issues related to capital and revenue expenses, ledger adjustments, error corrections, account controlling, purchase of business etc. On the whole principle of accounts is an easy subject when compared to others and also has a great scope to score high scores. This paper majorly focuses on practical calculations.